Thou none Go with me

Thou none go with me, is a touching story, about a girl and her Father, set in the nineteen-fifty's, and America was deep in the Korean War. She is swept into a love story with the new associate minister in the small town that she is disport to get out of, until her thoughts change...and her faith is tested.

I highly recommend this movie... but don't watch it if you don't want to cry!


Sara said...

Oh my gosh! My sister, Meghan, is reading this book now! That is such a coincedence! I love the movie, it is such a tear jerker!

Abigail and Lydia said...

That is such a coincedence! I know!There are some parts you just can't stop from feeling like crying! Thanks!

Sunlan said...

I love movies and books that make me cry. Well, books more, because I think that books are always better! :)
luv the girl who loves books,
Jewel K

Sunlan said...

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't have it on youtube!!!!! Okay, I'm okay, I'm okay. I just need to cool down. :)
Jewel K

Abigail and Lydia said...

Hey Jewel!
Don't you hate it when you can't find what you want! : ) We got it fom the library, mabey they have it at yours??? HAGD!

Sunlan said...

Great idea! Thanks. I don't know if they will have it or not, my library is very small, but you never know. :)

Sunlan said...

Lots of people say that your sibling is going to be a boy, I really want to know now! :) Will you tell me when you find out? Please do!
Jewel K

Madison said...

Oh my word I love that movie IT IS THE BEST! I CRIED AND I DON'T CRY IN MOVIES!!! ;)

Abigail and Lydia said...

Hey Maddie!
I almost did!! And I certainly don't cry watching movies!!

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