
Sunday was a very faith testing day for my aunts family.
Mama, Abigail, Lily Kate, and I were going up to their home for the day to meet the new baby. After the two hour drive, we were very anxious to get there. As we turned on to their street we saw my aunt standing at the end of the long driveway on the phone with purse in hand. We were wondering what she was doing since she had given birth to a baby a week ago,(surely she hadn't come to unchain the gate) but as we pulled into the driveway, and rolled down the window, we heard to our horror, that our uncle and two cousins had been in a bad wreck, and that she was waiting for a ride. Mama quickly told Abigail and I to get out, and our aunt told us to tell their friend who was coming to pick her up, that she had already gotten a ride to the wreck scene. We did as we were told, and waited in their house with our other cousins till they got home. While we waited one of their friends came and said that he had seen the wreck because he had forgotten a check he was supposed to give a man at their church, and he needed to go get it, and on the way home, and had seen the wreck. God was definitely doing something. Aunt Marcy, and Mama soon arrived home with Malachi who had been in the wreck and was only bruised a little. We stayed at their house while my aunt went to the hospital. Please keep my Uncle Marc, cousin Matthew, and cousin Malachi in your prayers. Matthew has a broken collar bone, and Malachi who has a broken leg. And they are all very sore. So Please remember them in your prayers! Thank you~

1 comment:

Giann said...

Poor M____ Family! They have had a rough time! I will definitely keep them in my prayers!