The true meaning of Christmas~

I love Christmas time, with all the family and friends, parties,Christmas trees, presents, food, and Christmas carols.

But a lot of times people get so caught up in the things that are not the real reason for Christmas. I hate it when Christmas shows say that this season is all about food, gifts, friends, and parties. And when people greet you with "Happy Holidays". It's not about all that, and I am not saying that I think that stuff is bad! It's just that it seems that Christmas has lost it true meaning in a lot of American homes. Christmas it about Jesus being born in Bethlehem and Him saving the world, it's about the angel Gabriel delivering the message to the Virgin Mary, that she would deliver the Christ Child, The son of God. Jesus is the reason for the season. And please don't take that I am saying that Christmas doesn't have anything to do with presents, trees, family and friends, food, and parties.
But the true meaning of Christmas is the Savior. The son of the living God!

Merry Christmas!

~in Christ,


Abigail and Lydia said...

What a wonderful post, Lydia! You are exactly right! I love you and I am so proud of who you are!

Sara said...

Hi! I love your blog! I have one too:
it is

Abigail and Lydia said...

Thank you Momma and Sara!