The morning came too soon today-- yes Monday mornings always do-- but it came. Trying to stop it wasn't an option so I decided facing it with a plastered on smile was the best option.
The beginning of the week is good sometimes. After basking in the weekend and all it's pleasantness, the week is a refreshing new start. You can take the memories created over the last two days, and go forward with them... and trying very hard not to look back.
I fell a sleep multiple times while laying in a chair reading today. I tried not to, at least when any one as around . (I'm sneaky like that). But I ended up falling asleep despite my sneaky intentions, and woke again soon, and that officially ended my afternoon nap.
I'm still in denial that the royal wedding is over. The one that I have been looking forward since November, 16 2010. Yes, that one. It's over. The hoopla, the ceremony, the excitement. All of it... but the wedding spirit still exists. The tea pot (with the tea bags still in it) is still sitting out on the counter, there is still a picture of William and Kate as our screen saver, and I still have "Congratulations William and Kate" as my skype status. Like I said- I'm in denial.
Oh, and by the way... Haagen-Dazs COFFEE ice cream is now one of the things that I have to have if we go to the store after a baseball game on Saturdays. It's the icing on the cake.
The week days have started. One down, four to go.
But even in the midst of that first, busy day of the week, there are the moments that are calm, peaceful, and make all of the chaos 100% worth it. So ready or not... the week comes.